Effective Time Management Tips For Homeschooling Success

There are many factors that go into creating and maintaining a successful and effective distance learning/homeschooling program. Curriculum, experience, and even simple materials all contribute to success, but nothing can make or break a homeschooling program faster or easier than poor time management. Distance learning programs are intended to be flexible, but if they are not managed properly, a great deal of energy, effort, and time can be easily wasted when it doesn't have to be.

Unlike a traditional public or private school, a distance learning homeschool program does not have the benefit of bells and set schedules. Often, it is the lack of this rigid schedule that parents find appealing about homeschooling. In order to avoid the problems associated with mismanaged time, while still enjoying the benefits and flexibility of homeschooling, take a look at a few important tips and suggestions that can go a long way toward helping you manage your time.


  1. Make use of an old-school planner - Whether for use as a daily, weekly, or monthly guide, a planner provides an easy way of keeping track of everything from lessons and assignments, to field trips and test dates.
  2. Develop a routine- One of the best ways to maximize learning time is to get children used to a set schedule or routine. Give children a plan for the day and stick to it - the results will not be far away.
  3.  Be an expert in your field - Nothing can waste a teacher's time more than not being sure of what's being taught. Understand the material being taught, this will help avoid having to constantly turn to outside sources for clarification.
  4. Be real with yourself - Too many homeschooling programs struggle as a result of poor time estimation. Often, parents will over or under estimate the time it takes to complete a task. Allow yourself a window for assignments that can clearly take longer to complete. Observations done over a week or two can help gauge the actual time needed to complete certain lessons.
  5. Gather materials and supplies ahead of time - This one's a no-brainer. By understanding the specific materials and supplies needed for a specific lesson, and gathering them ahead of time, parents can focus their efforts on delivering the lessons and not on trying to put together a box of supplies.
  6. Identify learning styles - All children are not created equal, especially in terms of how they learn. A mismatch in learning and teaching styles can be an easy way to lose a few hours, days, or even weeks on a specific topic. Take the time to identify your student's learning style and develop matching lessons.
  7. Turn to the children - No one can be a better resource for information than the student you are teaching. Use the student as a source of evaluation and criticism as a method of adapting and changing your lessons and schedule when needed. Students will tell you when lessons are taking too long, or when time could best be used on other tasks.


To learn more about the accredited, distance learning private school please visit Laurel Springs School. Laurel Springs School is an accredited, college prep private school offering distance learning programs and teacher services for students in grades K-12. Laurel Springs uses web-based communication tools, a standards-based curriculum, and personalized instruction to offer students the highest quality home education experience based on your child's learning style.

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