
Fun Homeschool Science Activity Making Homemade Slime and Silly Putty

In the homeschool science projects that I teach, I call this "The Science of Slime." You will experience the same slimy feeling that you experience while holding a fish or a squid. Eeks!

Here are some fun homeschool science activities that you can do at home.

Bouncy Gunk

Take half a cup of water and mix a teaspoonful of Borax (found at the laundry section of your grocery store) in it. Stir the mixture vigorously with a popsicle stick. Alternatively, you can put the mixture in a glass jar with a lid and shake, shake, shake. Once the borax dissolves, add some more till it no longer dissolves. Take another cup and mix glue and water in equal proportions.

Six Great Ways to Celebrate International Women's Day

Every year on March 8, the world observes International Women's Day, a celebration of women's rights and achievements in various fields. It's a great day to recognize the important women in our lives, and to say "thank you" for their sacrifices and hard work that we sometimes tend to take for granted. Here are a few simple yet significant ways you can participate in the festivities.

1. Bridge the gap.

The "Join Me on the Bridge" campaign began as a joint effort for the women of Congo and Rwanda. It has since become an annual event all over the globe, going hand-in-hand with International Women's Day. This year, thousands of people from different parts of the world - women and men, young and old - are expected to pick up their signs and banners and march across bridges, joining one another in the quest for peace and a brighter future for women.

10 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day for remembering those who have laid their lives in the nation's service. Memorial Day has also become a popular time for Family Reunions and Get Togethers as it is preceded by a weekend. Here are some ways to celebrate the patriotic spirit of this day:

1. Donate to families of soldiers who are wounded or have lost their lives.

2. Observe the National Moment of Remembrance. The Moment occurs on Memorial Day, 3 PM, local time, for 1 minute. You can choose to observe this moment in any way you like. It is the sentiment that counts.

3. Visit a gravesite and offer flowers to those U.S. Troops who have died in the nation's service.

4. Plan a family reunion or Get Together. It may be as simple and informal as a backyard barbecue.

Fun and Easy Early Spring Activities for Kids

Like every mom I try to think up cool and clever ways to make my children feel special. With so many fun holidays right around the corner (Valentine's, St. Paddy's, Easter), and the winter doldrums setting in, I thought it would be fun to share with you three of my best tips for making your kid feel like a shining star in the early spring!

Drum Roll!...

1. Love notes. What better time of the year than now to put little love notes in your kids' lunches? Use the little Valentine's cards from the drug store and just say something short and sweet like, "Thinking of you today and don't forget to eat your carrots! Love, Mommy xx

To moms of sons- my son (now age 15) used to really love these little notes. And I wrote them all year round, not just around Valentine's day. So don't think you can't get mushy with your tough little man, believe me, they melt for momma!

Stress Free Labor Day Activities For Children

Labor Day is a day in which we set aside to celebrate and honor the workers of America. If you are a parent, teacher or if you work with children then you may be stressing out about finding activities that you can you do with the kids that are affordable. This Labor Day weekend you can avoid being stressed out by having a structured day that is filled with free activities.

Fun Activity #1 Print Out Pictures

During the early part of the day, you can sit down with the children and let them color various pictures of people who hold jobs. You can locate and print these pictures by going on the computer and searching for Labor Day activities for children. This will be a great opportunity to teach the children about work and work ethics.

Indoor Winter Fun For Kids

Last month the kids were out in the snow making snow angels, snow families, snow-cones. But now we're in the middle of winter and, depending on where you live, the wind may be too nippy and the temperature too low for outdoor play. What to do?

The best activities for kids can cost little more than pennies. Much can be done with ordinary ingredients and a little planning ahead. Here are some mix-in-the-kitchen crafts recipes for you and your children to make. Think 'snow day'!

Magic Crystals - You may remember those little grow-your-own crystals kits from your childhood, probably next to the display for sea monkeys. In years past, they were also called Depression Gardens, like Depression glass from the era of the Great Depression. This recipe definitely needs adult involvement or supervision, depending on your child's age.

5 Free Fall Activities for Parents With Toddlers and Preschoolers

Parents understand that as the Fall season approaches and the weather begins turning frigid, in many regions of the U.S. its time to come up with alternative activities for kids aside from the standard outdoor selections. While some Fall toddler and preschooler activities can be weather permitting, our suggestions below are all indoor and offer moms a chance to have a fun afternoon with their kids while not breaking the bank in the process.

Four Fun Activities For Kids to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month has been celebrated for 39 years on September 17, 2007. Enacted into law on that day in 1968, this Public Law set aside a week to honor our Spanish-speaking citizens. When the 100th Congress enacted a new Public Law, the celebration period increased to 31 days, from September 15, 2008 to October 15.

The initiative for National Hispanic Heritage Month is an acknowledgment of the over 45 million Americans of Hispanic origin. The 31 day observation period honors the Independence Day for many Latin American countries including El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Honduras which celebrate September 15 as their Independence Day. September 16th is the Independence Day for Mexico, September 18th for Chile, September 21st for Belize and El Dia de la Raza (Columbus Day) is October 12th.

Halloween Activities for Kids

There's no doubt about it; kids love Halloween. They love dressing up in costumes and collecting loads of candy. But did you know that kids also enjoy participating in other fun, creative activities as well? There are tons of interesting ways to entertain a child's imagination, including simple craft projects and games. Why not take advantage of this amazing holiday by spending some extra time with the children and doing these activities together?

Craft projects are a great way to get your child involved with Halloween traditions. Children love the chance to use and show off their imagination. Why not allow them to help out with the Halloween decorations? Sure, you could go out and spend lots of money on decorations that are already assembled, but wouldn't it be nice to save some cash by making your own? And as a bonus, you get to share the moment with your children.


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