
Homeschool Transcripts - Are Narrative Transcripts OK?

One of the most important jobs in homeschooling high school is creating your student's homeschool transcript. Sometimes I get questions on how important it is to have a typical looking transcript with grades, credits and a GPA vs. a more narrative type of transcript, or even one with courses listed but no grades.

Perhaps it would help if you thought about it a little differently. When preparing transcripts, think of yourself as a foreign language translator. Your job is to translate your homeschool into words and numbers that colleges understand. Your job isn't to change your homeschool - just do what works for you. You job is only to translate your experiences (whatever they are) into the "love language" of colleges.

Homeschool Spanish Curriculum - 5 Reasons Kids Must Learn Spanish For Their Future

Even if you don't know a single word of Spanish, you owe it to your kids to teach them Spanish in their homeschool lessons. You could learn Spanish right along with them, if you'd like.

5 Reasons Spanish must be included in your child's home school curriculum


Requirements And Guidelines For Homeschooling In South Africa

Home schooling is a programme of education that a parent may provide to his or her child at home.

It is prescribed that a parent of a learner who is of compulsory school-going age should apply to the Head of the Department of Education of the province involved to register the learner for receiving education at home. This is in fact not the case. The Constitution of South Africa allows for homeschooling without registering with the Education Department. There are steps in place to try and amend this, but no new laws have been promulgated as yet. The following are compulsory phases of education:

The foundation phase (grades 1 - 3)

The intermediate phase (grades 4 - 6)

The senior phase (grades 7 - 9)

A parent of a learner who is no longer of compulsory school-going age or grade need not apply for registration for home schooling.

Texas Homeschooling - What You Need To Know

If you are trying to set up Texas homeschooling, there are some things that you should know about. Even though Texas is considered to be one of the most lenient states for homeschools, you should become familiar with some of the standards that are expected.

Even though it is not legally required of you to contact the school district, it is very likely that you will be visited by an attendance officer. To prevent this, you can simply write a letter to the principle of the school that your child was attending stating that you are withdrawing him/her. It is best to send the letter through certified mail so that you can receive proof of delivery.

Accredited Vs Independent Homeschool

I was looking at an accredited homeschool program the other day, looking for "messages". At first I was very impressed. Then I read the details. Let us do a little compare and contrast.

"Each curriculum package is individualized" - but they only use the textbook/workbook/school-at-home learning. That is not a very high percentage of homeschoolers' chosen strategy.

"These outstanding curriculum choices coupled with the expertise of your advisor" - but the only expertise you truly need is the love for your child. True expert advice would encourage you to follow your heart and your own expertise. And remember those "outstanding curriculum choices" only include the options above.

Is Homeschooling Permissible in Illinois?

You and your two children are at the zoo when you are approached by a young woman who shows you a badge and then asks what your children are doing out of school. You fumble for an answer because you live in the State of Illinois and you homeschool your children and are not sure whether homeschooling is legal in Illinois. What do you do? Calmly explain to the officer that you homeschool your children and give a reasonable explanation why you are at the zoo. Perhaps the visit is intended as extracurricular activity or part of a biology or science lesson. A clear and convincing answer will most likely bring the matter to a polite and hurried end since homeschooling is legal in the State of Illinois.

Texas Homeschool - Homeschooling the Texas Way

Contrary to popular belief, it is perfectly legal to take your children out of public school and to teach them at home. However, there are some laws directed toward homeschooling and you should understand these before you begin teaching your children at home.

Education is not even discussed in the Constitution. The Department of Education is the entity that impacts the rules that govern educational services.

It is important to understand that each state creates and oversees educational laws of its own. From state to state, you could find great differences in the laws and practices.

If you are trying to set up a Texas homeschool, for example, the laws are considerably relaxed. Parents just need to make sure that they establish and operate their homeschool as if it were a private school.

Colorado's Homeschooling Laws Make It Easy

There are many reasons people chose to home school their children. Some turn to home schooling because of religious convictions, some because of disabilities, some live so isolated that traditional schooling is logistically prohibitive, and many are simply fed up with the implosion of the public school system.

We have all heard that our public school system has fallen behind other western countries, but how bad is it really? We are ranked 33rd in reading behind countries like Turkey and Mexico. We are ranked 27th in mathematics and 22nd in science. 

A growing number of parents think they can do better. In the United States there is an estimated 3 million homeschooled students. Today in the state of Colorado there is an estimated 9,300 students and that number is reported to be increasing by 15% per year.

Homeschooling in California - What Are Your Options?

Homeschooling in California is vibrant. Over 200 thousand children in California are now being homeschooled.

The possibilities for homeschooling in California were severely limited in February 2008 when a California judge ruled that only persons with a credentialed teaching degree could now teach children. But in August of that year, the same court changed its decision. If you declare your home to be a private school, your children may be taught by anyone whether they have teaching credentials or not.

But if you want to homeschool your children in California, and you would like to stay within the law, then what are your options? This article tries to clear up the legal situation.

California Homeschooling Options

Homeschooling Laws - Tips For Understanding Your State's Homeschool Laws

Relax! No matter what your friends and family members may have said, home education is legal in the United States. Each state has different homeschooling laws. Some states have very few homeschooling requirements, and others have extensive regulations that must be followed.

Here are some definitions that will help you understand the homeschool laws in your state:



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