
Honor the Earth With These Inspiring Earth Day Activities

Earth has a special day. It's sort of like a birthday. It's called Earth Day. It began on April 21, 1970. Earth Day is celebrated all over the world, usually on the first day of spring but sometimes on April 22nd. It is a special day to remind us to take care of our Earth, our environment, and to learn what we can do to help keep the Earth healthy-not just on Earth Day but every day! Help your children honor the Earth by sharing with them these inspiring and educational activities.

Recyclables Game

Collect small cans, plastic bottles, and newspaper. Label 3 bins or trash cans: cans, bottles, and newspaper. Draw a line and place the containers about 3 to 5 feet away from the line. Have children stand behind the line and try to toss the recyclables into the appropriate container.

Trash Hike

9 Fun and Entertaining Christmas Activities for Kids

The truth about Christmas is that it is a time for kids... not just little ones, but for everyone who is young at heart, including fun-loving adults. But, for some adults, Christmas loses its charm and excitement, but it's always a happy occasion to watch the faces of little ones light up. It seems that Christmas becomes more exciting for children than their birthday because everyone is sharing in the celebration in a way that doesn't happen on their birthday. It's a holiday everyone they know is looking forward to.

Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum

You've decided to homeschool. You've gotten a couple of catalogs. You've typed in homeschooling curriculum in a search engine. Maybe you've even gone to a homeschooling convention. And NOW--- you're completely overwhelmed.

Twenty years ago, there weren't many choices in homeschooling curriculum, and that carried its own set of issues. But now? It can be completely overwhelming to try to choose a homeschooling curriculum. Too many choices are the problem now. How can you decide? And what if you choose the wrong one? You can't just switch, can you? Will a whole year go to waste if you don't do make the right decision? Your friend swears by her curriculum, but you've looked it over, and it looks too boring or too time-consuming, but if it works for her, it must be good, right?

If You Are Trying To Find A Great Homeschool Curriculum You Are Not Alone

You've made the huge decision to homeschool your children. You are positive this is the right move for you and your child(ren), but what should you do next? You may have never taught a lesson in your entire life and the thought of choosing a curriculum and writing lessons plans is mind-boggling and intimidating. Do not fret - millions of people have been in the same place before you and have paved the way for you with a host of resources to help you make your decision.

The very best homeschool curriculums come in a variety of styles and varieties, and vary by subject. Spelling, math, social studies, science, health, foreign language and even religion are popular subject areas with various curriculums available. Some curriculums are written and geared toward a Christian centered education while others are traditional non-religious based curriculums.

The Best Curriculum For Your Kids

I have been a homeschool educator for over 20 years. In that time I have seem a lot of changes in the home schooling movement, particularly with curriculum.

There are many great tools for parents to use these days. With homeschool being so popular the amount of Christian curriculum is vast. As more and more students began to school in the home, more and more public institutions began offering programs and curriculum. When I started homeschooling over 20 years ago you had to purchase most of your materials with a teacher supply store or through a curriculum company. Little was available on line. Now, there are so many on line resources that it can sometimes be confusing.

Home Schooled Curriculums - Homeschool Reviews

If you are thinking about homeschooling your children there are some basic things you should know about the benefits of homeschooling Below I explain some of the options you have when home schooled your kids.

I'd like to tell you about the benefits of homeschooling and selecting a home schooled curriculum. Now the best way to select a curriculum is to actually look at homeschool reviews and in order to do this you really need to find a nearby home schooled curriculum store so that you can look at the benefits of homeschooling materials, you can put it in your hands and see if home schooled is going to work for you. If you can't do that you need to find a resource catalog of the benefits of homeschooling, there are many online that you can order for free or you can just go to their websites and they'll give you homeschooled reviews of the different products.

A Better Way To Homeschool: Choosing Curriculum

After deciding to homeschool their children, many parents panic at the thought of choosing the "right" curriculum to use. This is understandable as parents take the responsibility to educate their kids out of the hands of the public school system. How can the parents be sure that they are making the correct decisions? When I first began schooling my own kids I heard many moms and educators assure me that it was not the curriculum that would make or break my child's education. The truth is, with the right attitude toward learning, a homeschool child can excel far beyond the constraints of any "curriculum". Attitude is everything. Character is paramount. If the child becomes a brilliant student who aces every test and standard set before them, yet cannot communicate compassionately with the world around them. What good would that be?


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